passing the test of aug 2014
I've been rereading writings on this and last month, Lorna of Hare in the Moon Astrology, speaks of the 9 tests of the spiritual warrior. Others have said we are at the (explosive) ending point for the greatest struggles we have been through in our lives, that began in 2007... yes, si, this is all Age Change stuff but... perhaps it is true, at least for some of us. Concepts, Material things, People..., Relationships, Work related stuff.... ALL of IT, is up for complete change, and so deeply imbedded patterning, sometimes requires... 'an intense amount of heat' (generated of course by light... yet still, ouch, it can burn),,, but just like when the new skin under a burn is revealed, so shall we come out of this transition just fine... some looking smooth and soft like new baby skin,,, and some with a few scars., either way, it's ok~ But, if you didn't "get it" before... something will happen to, let's say, to 'test you'... The question is... "can you stand in the light, against any darkness that seems easier, more comfortable? quite literally it is calling to us, "can you take the heat?"... it may melt some parts of you away.... it is ok~ when all melt away, still truth remains~
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