~The Sweet Month, July 2013~The Month we have been preparing and waiting for since 2009~
Achievement of Self Transformation of last 4 years~Time to unite with your Emotional and Physical Bodies, and allow your Mental aspects to fall away.
Since 2009 the planetary aspects have not allowed for things to 'be easy'. It truly has been a time for change, growth and transformation for many countries, governments, and 'institutions', but also for individuals... and transformation, usually does not feel very good as we go through it. this month however is the special month of what the astrologers call the "Grand Water Trine" (involving Jupiter, Mars, Neptune and Saturn). There is also a trine in today's New Moon, with the Sun, Moon and North Node. In short this month of July 2013 astrologically offers us not only a time of respite of these past years, and year, as we approached and entered the Aquarian Age, but a true time of achieving the transformations we have been working on, enduring, sometimes fighting against... for the past 4 years. Allow yourself this month to connect with your Emotional and Physical Self. Allow yourself the luxury of at least 3 minutes of silence, thanks and intention each morning and 3 minutes of reflection each night. Allow yourself to let your mind 'turn off'. When you connect with your Physical and Emotional Self, do not allow your mind to judge. "Just Notice". How your Emotional and Physical Bodies "feel", will show you the path to your self truth this month. Do not be surprised if changes in relationships and work/finances are necessary as part of your transformation as you allow yourself to embrace your own self truth. Blessings to all~